Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Twitter is Teaching Me

For those who read my Blog and do not use Twitter or know what its all about Twitter is a great way of connecting with people who share similar ideas from all over. Its quicker than Facebook in that it doesn't use such a long profile and its simply status updates and DMs - Direct Messages. Its simiilar to Facebook is that you choose who you want to follow and who follows you...

Anyways, I started using Twitter because of Ernie Hasse, Wes Hampton, Michael English & Mark Lowry. Twitter became a great way to connect with some of my favorite singers and get various updates on the day to day happenings in their lives... As I became more familiar with Twitter, I added more people to my follow list and more people began following me...

One thing I love about Twitter is that I have 'met' so many Christian Pastors, Church Planters, etc. It is awesome to chat with these guys and hear what God is doing in their lives and the lives of the churches they are a part of!

I have also 'met' lots of great Christians who are so encouraging and inspiring!! Its so cool to share morning 'twivotions' with Pastors and Christians from the US and Canada! Its awesome to chat about what God is doing in our lives each day! Its also great to know that there is now this whole network of people out there who will pray for me when I having a bad day and who I can pray for as well.

Twitter has allowed me to chat and connect with some wonderful people or as we say on Twitter 'tweeple'. When you see live video feeds from the churches and you hear the sermons and know how God is moving in the hearts and lives of people all across Canada and the US its encouraging!!

It has also made me realize - well not that I didn't realize it before but it has openned my eyes more - to what being the 'Church of God' is all about. Living in a small town in Newfoundland we very 'traditional' in our denominations. You don't hear a lot - although I do know of some - church planting in Newfoundland as a whole. But no matter whether we are non-denominational, RC, Anglican, Pentecostal, UC, or SA, etc we are all a part of the body of Christ and we are all a part of the 'church of God'. So often people become so focused on the 'buildings' that they worship in that they forget that its the 'people' that make up the church! The building itself is made of wood, steel, glass, etc and while it is a Holy place because it is where we gather to worship thats what gives the building purpose and meaning...

I am thankful for my tweeps for reminding me of this over the past weeks and for their prayers as I continue the Fall working with the youth at the Church which God has placed me.