Sunday, May 2, 2010

Unexpected Blessings

Some of the greatest blessings I have received as a Youth Worker at church have often come at the most unexpected times. In teaching a Sunday school class of often hyper3 to 8 year olds one never really knows what to expect from one week to the next. Some classes go by pretty smoothly and other time I am left wondering if I have any hair left in my head!!

A good example of the 'unexpected' blessings occurred today. On Wednesday afternoon I had a short after school practice with the children to go over their Parts and hand bells songs for this morning. The children were hyper and it left me to wonder how things would turn out on Sunday morning when they stood before the congregation. Well of course as I am sure you can guess, the children all did wonderful during the service - said their Parts and played the Bells without any mishap. That in itself was a blessing but not the 'unexpected' blessing of the morning....

After the children did their Parts we sang the song 'Jesus loves me' 3 of the children decided they wanted to sing the chorus at the mic up by the pulpit. To hear those little voices singing "Yes Jesus loves me the bible tells me so" made up for all the headaches and frustrations. What a wonderful reminder of why I do what I do!! I don't teach Sunday school because I have to... as in I feel obligated or because I am bored on Sunday afternoon and have nothing else to do. I do it because I HAVE to, because children need to know that Jesus does love them and that the Bible tells them about His love! I do it because I am called by God to teach them. Its not always easy and there are lots of challenges along the way but I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

So that was my 'unexpected' blessing today. Did you have an 'unexpected' blessing today? Why not share it with me either in a comment or send it to my inbox.

God bless!!