Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thought for Today

I saw the coolest status question on Facebook today... " if your life flashes before your eyes when you die... will it be worth watching?" One person's comment to this was "not really - though I wish that we could pick someone else's to watch..."
Now I don't know about u, but if my life flashed before my eyes when I die I would want it to be a life that's worth looking at!
I would want to have had a life that brought Praise and Glory and Honor to the Lord first and foremost... I would want my life to reflect the God I love and serve. No doubt there would be many difficult times that would flash by as well as times of happiness and joy... But ultimately what matters most is knowing that my sins are forgiven and that I am ready for heaven.
We often live our lives like this is it but, this world is not our final home... And so its important to live each day in the presence of the Lord, mindful that if He were to return would He be pleased with what He sees...

My Pop Carter has been remembered as a man of great faith. A man who served the Lord, who proclaimed the gospel and who influenced others for the Kingdom of God. That's my aim as well.... That I will be a woman of great faith who serves her Lord and makes a difference in the lives of others for the Kingdom of God.

God bless!!


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