Saturday, July 17, 2010

We will Remember

A couple weeks ago I discovered an amazing song called “We Will Remember” by Tommy Walker. If you have never heard it before check it out on youtube. Here are the words to the song:


We will remember, we will remember
We will remember the works of Your hands
We will stop and give you praise
For great is Thy faithfulness

You’re our creator, our life sustainer
Deliverer, our comfort, our joy
Throughout the ages You’ve been our shelter
Our peace in the midst of the storm

With signs and wonders You’ve shown Your power
With precious blood You showed us Your grace
You’ve been our helper, our liberator
The giver of life with no end


When we walk through life’s darkest valleys
We will look back at all You have done
And we will shout, our God is good
And He is the faithful One

Hallelujah, hallelujah
To the one from whom all blessings flow
Hallelujah, hallelujah
To the one whose glory has been shown


I still remember the day You saved me
The day I heard You call out my name
You said You loved me and would never leave me
And I’ve never been the same


(inspired by Neh. 9:16, Ps. 77:11, 12)
Tommy Walker WeMobile Music ©2005 CCLI #4556277

The words of the last verse really spoke to me:

I still remember the day You saved me
The day I heard You call out my name
You said You loved me and would never leave me
And I’ve never been the same

“I still remember the day You saved me” I can not tell you the exact day or date because I was only 7 years old. But I do remember being enrolled as a Junior Soldier and reciting my Junior Soldier Pledge which at the time said something like this (I may not have it exactly word for word).

“Having asked God for forgiveness I will trust Him to keep me good because Jesus is my Saviour from sin I will be His loving and obedient child and will try to help others to follow Him. I promise to pray, read my bible and by His help to lead a life that is clean thought, word and deed. I also promise not to take intoxicating drinks, harmful drugs, and tobacco.”

I didn’t fully understand the importance of those words at the time, but what I did know was that Jesus was now my friend and Saviour and that He loved me and He lived in my heart.

As I grew older and graduated from Junior Soldiers to Corps cadets and then in May 1994 was enrolled as a Senior Soldier and the years since then through many changes, challenges and struggles the one thing that has been real and constant in my life has been and continues to be my faith in God. I can not imagine my life without the Lord and His daily presence!

Today I am so very thankful that as a child someone took the time to teach me about God and now I have the same opportunity to share with children that God loves them! What a wonderful privilege!

Do you remember that day Jesus saved you? If so why not share it with me or maybe with someone you know who needs to know about the saving power of Jesus and the difference He can make in their life.

And if you have never asked Jesus to be your Saviour and forgive your sins, or if you remember serving Him as a child but you since walked away, you can still come back to Him. He will forgive your sins all you have to do is ask Him!

Ok now its your turn to share… Do you remember the day Jesus saved you?

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