Wednesday, February 4, 2009

That I Might Live....

I am one of those people who finds inspiration at what may seem to be the strangest times! Today is a great example of this... I was watching a lunch time TV program that mom and I enjoy and in the show a man had died while rescuing a teenage boy who had fallen through the ice. The 'haha lightbulb moment' for me was when the mom was explaning to her son that the man had died and she said 'He died so that you could have life. He was willing to risk his live to save yours.' Immediately in my mind I thought you know that is what Jesus did for me. He died so that I could have LIFE. He didnt freeze to death in a lake. He died on a cruel rugged cross for my sins so that I could have LIFE - Eternal Life. When he bowed His head and died on that Good Friday He died so that I could live... not live in the physical body but live spiritually. Today I am so thankful that Jesus was willing to die for me... that he was willing to lay down his life so that my sins could be forgiven. He died so that one day I can live with Him forever in heaven! Now that's what I call being rescued!!

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