Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heart Check

Tonight I had the opportunity via the internet to watch the morning service from Springdale Corps. As I listened to Major Doreen's message about having a Heart Check, I found myself examining my own heart. Of course the heart she was talking about was the 'spiritual' heart. One of the verses she made reference to which really caught my attention was 2 Cor. 10:5 'Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.' As I reflected on this verse I thought to myself 'how many of my thoughts are Christ-like? How many of my thoughts are truly 'under the spirit's control'? It is SO EASY when in a case like mine faced with panic attacks and days filled with often more questions than answers to feel overwhelmed, to feel a sense of 'no one understands', a sense of how much more can I take??

As I reflected on all this I realized some important truths...
No matter the panic attacks, no matter how rough the day may be I am NEVER ALONE. The Lord is with me.
Some things in this life I can not control. I can not control how others treat me... and sometimes their treatment will be cruel and harsh and cause me a lot of pain. But I will not be overcome by this... I will not be overcome by evil but will overcome evil with good.

I can not change these nasty people that treat me wrong but I can choose to rise above this by placing my every thought and feeling before the Lord and allowing Him to heal me. Allow Him to restore me and to be able to face each day not in my strength but in His strength.
Tonight the Joy of the Lord is my strength. He is my rock, my fortress... He is my salvation!

Tonite I have examined my heart... I pray that during this month of February that is often known as 'Heart Month' that you will examine your heart as well.
Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

One of my favorite choruses says:

Jesus I long to be like you
loving in every way
Jesus I need to be like you
Please hear me as I pray.
You are my pattern for living
Your way of life is my goal
Patient and kind and forgiving
Under the Spirit's control
Transform my life from within Lord
Come and my heart refine
You are my pattern for living
Give me a heart like thine.

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