Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Noticer

I don't know if many of you have heard of the author Andy Andrews but he has a new book out entitled "The Noticer", while I have not yet had the oppoortunity to read the book I have read quite a bit about it on the following website:

The purpose of the Noticer Project is to encourage people world wide to think of the 5 most influential people in their lives. These people could be anyone from a former teacher, parent, friend, mentor, pastor, sunday school teacher, musican, singer, author, etc. When you have the 5 people in mind, the next step is to let those people know that they have influenced your life. That could be done via a phone call, e-mail, letter, card, etc.

The point is to not let our lives just pass us by but to take the time to stop and think of those who have influenced us and why and if possible to acknowledge their influnce. In some cases the person who has influenced you may have already passed away and thats ok as well. You can still acknowledge that person by mentioning them in a blog, on facebook, etc.

So who are the 5 most influential people in your life? As I continue to think about this question I encaourge you to think about it as well and let's share with each other and with those 'influential people' why they have been so influential in helping to shape us into the people we are today.
I look forward to knowing who your 5 influential people are!!


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