Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God Moment

On Sunday morning we held a Family Service followed by a BBQ & games at Jubilee United Church. There were approximately 30 children in attendance along with parents, grandparents, church members and friends. A couple days after the Service I was talking to the grandma of the twin girls (just turned 4 a week ago) in my Sunday school class. And she was telling me that one of them who was sitting with her at the time was listening to one of the older girls do a reading at the Service Sunday Morning and she said 'Nanny when I get a big girl I want to read in church too." How sweet was that! That was truly my 'God moment' of the day! The grandparents, family and friends are also amazed at the other girl who used to be completely shy and withdrawn but now comes and talks to me and participated in all the activities that the children did during the service. They can't believe the difference in her over just a few weeks. Even at the Mother's day service she did a few things but not as much as she did on Sunday. The family is so pleased to see her interacting with the other children and they can't get over how she has connected with me. All I can say is its not about me but its all about God! :D It truly was His Plan that I teach Sunday School at that church. And to hear a 4 year old wanting to read in church when she gets older it shows how important it is to teach children to love and serve God at an early age. We never know what seeds are being sown in their young lives.

Anyways just wanted to share my 'God moments' today. What a blessing to know that the Lord can take situations that I thought were so dark and hopeless but when given to Him completely turn it around and make something beautiful for His glory!! His work in that church I know has only begun and I look fwd to VBS and the upcoming Fall/Winter Sunday School. 'Little is much when God is in it!'

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