Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday School Begins!

Today was the first Sunday for Sunday School for the Fall/Winter. I had 15 in my Sunday School class today and 6 more on the list who were either sick or out of town! So that fgives me a class of 21 3 to 8 year olds so far! So its gonna be a big class but I am thrilled!!

There were some new children there today and one little boy looked at me and said 'this is my first time coming to church' he has just started kindergarten... What a blessing! To reach one child for Christ is such a previlege and a honour!! It is exciting and challenging but I know that the Lord who has called me for this task will equip me and so I am continuing to trust in His direction.

Last nite I went over and set up the table and chairs and I put out 15 chairs in the semi-circle and that was more than was on my list from last year because last year I had 11. Before I left I stood in the hall and prayed for each child whose name was on my attendance tree and for the children that i had sent home notes to telling them about Sunday School. I prayed that the Lord would fill those 15 chairs today and HE DID! When I saw kids coming in that had come to VBS this summer and now want to be a part of Sunday school I was so happy! And then to see new children coming who have never been to a sunday school or vbs before! It was well beyond words to describe really...

I am praying for 'greater things' because I know that this is only the beginning of what the Lord wants to do in the lives of the young people of my town and I aam humbled that He has chosen me to tell these children about His love!! WOW!

When I think about those who the Lord has used me to reach and the many others who are still out there that still need to know that there is a Sunday School and that there is a God who loves them I am excited and feel so blessed that the Lord would use me for such a task! Some people see an old Hall in need of repairs and an aging congregation but I see the potential! I see the Hall redone and filled with children and young people and their families! And if that is what I can see imagine what God can see?? Greater things are still to be done!!

Can't wait to see what God has in store for next Sunday afternoon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am definitely not the world's most consistent blogger. I try and blog more often but I sit here thinking of what I want to say and after a few lines I usually scrap it and move on to something else.

Blogging I have discovered takes time and patience. It involves me actually sitting at the computer and putting some thoughts together which in itself is a challenge as often my thoughts are all over the place - did I change the laundry from the washer to the dryer, did I remember to give dad his pills supper time, did I answer my e-mails, etc etc.

In thinking about my challenge in blogging it also reminded me about my devotion and quiet time with God. It is so difficult with so many stresses and distractions to often find that true quiet time with God... a time when I can actually pause from the demands of the day and just focus on Him. Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." I often go to that verse when I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because it always reminds me to focus on what matters most - God!

May you find time in your busy day to 'be still and know that He is God'.
