Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday School Begins!

Today was the first Sunday for Sunday School for the Fall/Winter. I had 15 in my Sunday School class today and 6 more on the list who were either sick or out of town! So that fgives me a class of 21 3 to 8 year olds so far! So its gonna be a big class but I am thrilled!!

There were some new children there today and one little boy looked at me and said 'this is my first time coming to church' he has just started kindergarten... What a blessing! To reach one child for Christ is such a previlege and a honour!! It is exciting and challenging but I know that the Lord who has called me for this task will equip me and so I am continuing to trust in His direction.

Last nite I went over and set up the table and chairs and I put out 15 chairs in the semi-circle and that was more than was on my list from last year because last year I had 11. Before I left I stood in the hall and prayed for each child whose name was on my attendance tree and for the children that i had sent home notes to telling them about Sunday School. I prayed that the Lord would fill those 15 chairs today and HE DID! When I saw kids coming in that had come to VBS this summer and now want to be a part of Sunday school I was so happy! And then to see new children coming who have never been to a sunday school or vbs before! It was well beyond words to describe really...

I am praying for 'greater things' because I know that this is only the beginning of what the Lord wants to do in the lives of the young people of my town and I aam humbled that He has chosen me to tell these children about His love!! WOW!

When I think about those who the Lord has used me to reach and the many others who are still out there that still need to know that there is a Sunday School and that there is a God who loves them I am excited and feel so blessed that the Lord would use me for such a task! Some people see an old Hall in need of repairs and an aging congregation but I see the potential! I see the Hall redone and filled with children and young people and their families! And if that is what I can see imagine what God can see?? Greater things are still to be done!!

Can't wait to see what God has in store for next Sunday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. 21 kids 8 and under... wow, you have your hands full. What a great ministry opp you have.
