Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan 2009 / Jan 2010

I was looking at my blog today and my first post in January of last year which was the following....

January 2009 - A New Year...
Welcome to my first blog entry!

I decided to call this blog "Thoughts and Reflections" as the entries will contain my ramblings, rants and ponderings throughout the coming months.

As I reflect on 2008, my thoughts are clouded with many difficult and trying days. Challenging days at work, panic attacks that worsened with each passing day, and many tough decisions including quitting one of my part-time jobs because of the harsh working conditions I faced. 2008 held many diffcult days... but I thank the Lord that He gave me the strength and courage I needed to get through each one.

As I begin 2009, I am looking ahead to this new year with a sense of hope and anticipation. I believe that God has new and greater things in store for me. Yes, the panic attacks are still there, yes there are MANY challenges that lie ahead but I know that God is Faithful. I know that He is with me and that no matter the struggle I can "Do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

When I think back to how frustrated and discouraged I was feeling last Jan compared to the peace and contentment i am feeling this Jan its amazing!!

Today I listened to the Dec 27th service from Thomas Road Baptist and the speaker Jonathan Falwell talked much about remaining faithful to God in spite of what we face, in spite of the challenges and struggles he reminded all of us that God will not let us down if we remain faithful to Him He will see us through.

I can truly testify to that! Over the past year and the years before that there were many days when the only thing I was sure of and the only thing that I could cling to was that I was certain that God would somehow bring me through....

And so I start Jan 2010 with hope and determination. I am confident that He who began a good work in me will see it to completion... And as I said in Jan 2009 I know that no matter the struggle I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.'

I know that my work with the youth at Jubilee is only the beginning of what God has in mind for me. I praise Him for His faithfulness and for leading me not in the way that I thought was best but in the way that HE KNEW was best for me.

I was reminded of these words today and they are my prayer as well:

I want dear Lord, a soul on fire for thee,
A soul baptized with heavenly energy;
A willing mind, a ready hand
To do whate'er I know.
To spread thy light wherever I may go.

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