Saturday, January 2, 2010

Passion for Him in 2010

I listened to a service online tonite and the Pastor was talking about having a Passion for God, one of the catch phrases he used was: Passion for HIM in 2010. As this is the beginning of a new year and a new decade everyone seems to be hyped about the coming year and what it has in store. We look back over the past decade and recall the many happy and sad moments of our lives. We rejoiced as we welcomed the birth of a baby for a family member or friend, we cried as during times of sickness and loss.

What about spiritual issues? I don’t know about you but over the past few years I have seen a steady decline in church attendances in my community province and country. It seems that even 10 years ago attending church was more of a priority than it is now. Making sure that children attended Sunday school was on the top of the list. Attending Bible Study or Prayer meetings was of utmost importance and if someone wasn’t there you called wondering why not. What has happened?? Sadly it seems that many feel that church isn’t relevant to their lives today, they were ‘forced’ to go when they were children and now they refuse to attend or ‘make’ their children go.

While I can understand the reasoning, it means that there is a whole generation coming up who know less and less about Jesus! What so many are failing to realize is that at least they were able to make an educated choice - they went to church and decided of their own free will this was not something they wanted to do now. But for the children and young people who are never brought to church or Sunday school how will they be able to make an educated choice when they get older? Let me give you an example.

When I was in University I became friends with a girl named Michele. Michele was a praciticing Pagan - she was involved in Wicca. Michele over time explained to me how she became a Pagan. She grew up in a home where every so many months her mom would take her and her brothers to church, they would go a couple Sundays and then that would be all again for several months. She did have some friends who attended church and so she did go to Sunday school a few times but never learned much about the bible or God growing up. When she went to University she got interested in the New Age movement and became a practicing pagan. Yes, Michele believed that God existed and that Jesus was God’s Son but she did not believe that He was raised from the dead. Since finishing MUN in 1998 Michele and I have remained good friends and one day a couple years ago I had a letter from her telling me that she had converted to Christianity. She went on in the letter to explain about how she grew up not knowing much at all about God and Paganism seemed like a good choice but thankfully she came to realize that God did love her and through bible reading for a course she was doing she one night gave her heart to God. She went on to tell me how my quiet faith had impressed her. I didn’t try and hit her with the bible or tell her she was wrong I just led by example. It was my witness and the prayers of her grandmother that helped lead her to the Lord.

I tell this story because Michele is like so many that are growing up today. They are lost. They have no spiritual foundation and without a relationship with Jesus they are sinking fast into this world and all that is claims to offer.

When you think about 2010 and the decade that lies ahead what are you passionate about? Do you have a passion for God? A passion to win the lost for Him? For me my passion is for the youth of my area. When I think of the few who come to Sunday school and the many others who go no where my heart aches. At the beginning of 2010 I am not content to know that there are so many children who will never go inside a church door this year but rather will spend each and every weekend at sporting events or at the cabin. I am not content that this generation that is coming up is a generation that knows so little about God. And while I can not change everything and everyone I can reach ONE. The good news is if I reach one and you reach one and so on imagine what a difference we could make!?

Just like I reached my friend Michele there are people that you can reach. Maybe you can offer to give a child a ride to Sunday school or bring a neighbour to church with you, maybe you can offer to babysit so that a mom can attend a women’s group at church , etc. Or maybe your church needs helpers with Sunday school, greeters, ushers etc. Whatever it is let’s have a PASSION FOR HIM IN 2010!

My prayer is that this year and decade we will see a revival sweep our land. That the churches will be bursting at the doors with men and women, boys and girls once again. Is it just a dream? It is possible?? Of course it is possible! NOTHING is impossible with God! But this will only happen if you and I get Passionate about HIM. Revival must first of all take place in our own hearts and lives.

So again I ask, what are you passionate about in 2010? Are you passionate for God? Begin today by developing a love for Him and His Word and you will develop a passion for Him that will change your spiritual life and will change the lives of those around you.

Let’s be have a Passion for Him in 2010!

God Bless!!

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