Monday, June 22, 2009

One of Those Days

Well this has been one of those days where if it seems bad now wait 5 minutes it gets worse. Seemed everytime the phone rang it was bad news, lots of stressful situations and prayer concerns. Then tonite I had the opportunity to go with the Jubilee Singers to the UCW closing. We (the Jubilee Singers) did a devotional time for the UCW ladies - songs, prayers, scripture readings and a lunch at the end. It was a lovely meeting. To see the smiles on the ladies faces as we sang the songs and to sit around the table with them after and share stories and just to know how much these older ladies appreciate the choir was a wonderful way to conclude an otherwise horrible day.

I was reminded tonite that in the midst of the struggles of life the Lord is right there with us helping us each step along the way. We may not always see how things will work out or what the solution will be. But its such a comfort to know that the Lord already knows the answers! The very hairs on our head are numbered by Him!! Thats an awesome thought! We can trust in Him with our lives - our hopes and dreams, our worries and cares - because He understands our every thought and wish.

After such a challenging day I rest tonite in the shadow of the Almighty. I find strength in knowing that He is with me and through the good and the bad I can trust in Him to work out His good and perfect Will. What an awesome God!

1 comment:

  1. He is an Awesome God Jennifer. Thanks for sharing your stories of Faith.

    Sometimes life takes us on detours, and valley experiences but when we stop and reflect back we often can understand just why God causes things to happen.

    Blessings on you
