Saturday, July 18, 2009


I just completed a wonderful week of VBS. The theme was 'God's Superheroes' and there were 15 to 17 children in attendance each day. The children ranged in age mostly from 3 to 7. We kicked off the week on Monday by learning about Moses and how he had faith in God and his faith helped him to lead the people across the Red Sea. On Tuesday we learned about the courage of Joshua and how he was brave and because he obeyed God the walls of Jericho fell and God's people were able to get into the city. On Wednesday, we learned about Ruth and Naomi and how they trusted in God and the importance of being a good friend. Thursday we learned about Daniel and how God protected Daniel in the lion's den because he had obeyed God. Friday we learned that we can all be Superheroes for God by being faithful, courageous, trusting in God, obedient and being truthful. Each day we sang songs, played games, had a snack and did a craft that suited the theme for the day.

It was a week I will never forget! Teaching children about God is a challenge! Especially when you are trying to relate biblical concepts to 4 year olds! But on Thursday after the story was read and I asked the children questions I realized that even the youngest there was able to understand that Daniel had obeyed God and because he obeyed God he was kept safe!

I thank the Lord for this week of VBS! For the challenging moments and the blessings! I am thankful for the wonderful privilege to spend time with the children teaching them a little more about God and that no matter how young they are that God loves each of them and they can all be Superheroes for Him!

I pray today that you will remind the children that you come in contact with that they are all important to God and that He loves each of them very much!


  1. Amen. Children are our future. We definitely need to pou into their lives. good post.

  2. Great words of wisdome Jennifer. They say the first 5 years of a Child's life are the most you are doing a great work my friend.

    Quite often, we think they are not listening but they turn around and surprise us. Cool.
