Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Thoughts & Year Reflections

I feel so extremely blessed this Christmas you don't realize how precious health is until it is taken from you. On Dec 2nd, 2008 I made the courageous decision to leave a job that was tearing apart my mental well being. I had come to a place where I was so mentally exhausted at work and at church that I literally collapsed under it all. Last Christmas is a blur to me. I vaguely remember the tree and wrapping some gifts but thats about it. I was off on stress leave from the Library and so there was no Christmas Story & Craft Time either.

Over the next few months I began a journey with the Lord's guidance that led me on a new path - singing with the Jubilee Singers and teaching Sunday School at Jubilee United.
I am also working on a course online writing children's books, became a sub Student Assistant, and went back to work at the Library in March....
Oh and most recently i broke off a long distance relationship that was not working for me.

I look back over the past year and I am just so thankful to the Lord for His presence in my life. For the days that I didnt have the strength to know what to do or say but I always knew His hand was upon me. In January, I came in contact with a wonderful man of God - Major Lacey - who encouraged me, challenged me, and most of all prayed for me and it was through those numerous emails that I began to see that God had a new plan and purpose for me and thats when I became involved with Jubilee United. I can not express in words the many blessings I have received since being a member of the choir and teaching Sunday School there! Its been simply amazing!

I remember the first sunday nite service that I sang in the choir and when we walked out and I sat on the pew I felt this overwhelming sense of knowing that I was exactly where God wanted and needed me to be. My Grandfather Carter was one of the founding members of that church and now I am carrying on what he began... There are still so many lives that need to be reached for the Kingdom of God! Still so much work to be done!

As I think about the coming busy weeks leading up to Christmas with practices, a special service next Sunday nite, a Sunday School concert on Dec 20th, a Christmas eve service, and thats just the church things! I am so blessed and thankful this Christmas to have the health and strength to be a part of all those things!! To be able to sing and share with adults and children the REAL Meaning of Christmas!! What a privilege! I am thankful tonite to be able to be able to say with assurance in my heart 'Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul!' Easy to have that assurance when life is good but its when you come thru the dark days with the Lord by ur side and you can walk out into the light knowing that it is well with ur soul that is a blessing! Thats faith at work!

Many people use the beginning of the New Year as a reflective time but for me Dec 2 marked an important day that has helped shaped this year in so many ways! I can not imagine what I would have done if I had stayed at that job ! I can't even imagine being at the other church now.... This Dec I have a peace that I did not have last year and for that I give God thanks and praise! I look ahead to the coming Christmas season and New Year with Joy and Excitement because I know that 'greater things are yet to come'! I still have lots of challenges and many tough days but I know who holds the future and I am trusting in His continued guidance and direction each step along the way!

Good nite and God bless and Merry Christmas to you all!!


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