Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009!

2009 was a year of challenge and change for me. When I look back on my first blog in Jan 09 I was feeling very unsure of what the future held and what to do. One thing I knew though was that God had a plan and purpose for my life and that somehow He would begin a new work in me.

On Jan 8th I e-mailed Major Gerald Lacey to ask him what a ‘prayer concert’ was because he had posted on his FB status that the Springdale corps was having one and I had never heard of a ‘prayer concert’ before. He wrote back that day and offered to answer any questions I had anytime. Boy did I have questions!! Stressed out at church and having just quit one of my part-time jobs due to how I was treated in the workplace I had many more questions than answers. Over the course of the following months through many e-mails back and forth Major Gerald became a wonderful Christian mentor for me. I can truly say that he is a man of God. He took the time out of his busy schedule to pray for me, to offer words of encouragement and yes many words of challenge which was what I needed. He didn’t pretend to have all the answers, but he encouraged me to look at things in a new way which helped me to learn to trust in the Lord more - to release all my anxieties and frustrations into His hands - and it was through all of this that I realized that the Lord was leading me in a new direction...

In February, after much thought and prayer I joined the Jubilee Singers and then after many conversations with Rev Heather in April, I began teaching Sunday School and became a member of the Jubilee United Church congregation.

This church has always had a special place in my heart because my Pop Carter was very active as a Lay Minister there for many years. The first service I attended when I walked out and sat in the choir I could sense a peace and I had this inner feeling that Pop was smiling down on me.

Many months have passed and I have had lots of struggles and ups and downs but I am confident that the Lord has placed me at Jubilee because that is where He needs me to be. I absolutely love working with the youth and have made many new friends there. I give God the praise and glory for helping me to realize that He had something better in mind for me than all the stress and strain I was under.

I can’t begin to thank Major Gerald enough for taking the time to converse with me over the past year. Its not possible to put it in words but I know that it was truly God at work.

To all my family and friends who have been there for me to offer support and encouragement thank you all so much! It really does mean a lot! Its not possible to name everyone because I am sure to leave someone out just know that the e-mails, FB messages and chats, cards and phone calls have all been a wonderful source of encouragement and I am so blessed and thankful to have each of you in my life!

Last Dec/Jan I felt so lost and frustrated and didn’t really know what to be doing. This Dec/Jan I am looking ahead to 2010 with hope and excitement! I know there are so many challenges that I still face. Panic attacks don’t just magically disappear and I still have lots to work through with that each day but God is proving that His grace is sufficient to meet all my needs.

In 2009 I also joined Twitter and through Twitter I have come in contact with some amazing Christians who have inspired and encouraged me in my walk with God. I discovered Thomas Road Baptist Church - Pastor Jonathan Falwell and their AMAZING Worship leader Charles Billsingsley. Charles songs encourage and uplift and he is so genuine you can see the spirit of God shining thru him when he sings!

In 2010 I hope to finish my online course on Writing Children’s Books which I began last January. Lord willing I will get something published this year!! That is just one goal for 2010. I am looking forward to doing some substitute teaching and of course I am excited about my work with the youth at Jubilee. I know that God has great things in store for the youth of this area and I am thankful that He has chosen me to be a part of helping to spread His love to the children and adults that I come in contact with from week to week.

I conclude my final blog of 2009 with these verses which are not only fitting beginning a new year but are also very fitting for how I feel in these days and how the Lord has led me thru this past year.

Philippians 3:13-14 - The Message Translations says:
“I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.”

Farewell 2009 hello 2010!

God bless you all in 2010.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Has Christmas Lost its Meaning?

I am sure you have heard these sayings too or maybe you have even said 1 or more of them yourself: Sure there is nothing to Christmas anymore. Christmas is just for kids. Once Christmas day is over its all over.

Have we forgotten the real meaning of Christmas? The Babe who was born in the Manger did not disappear after Christmas day. In fact, it was just the beginning!! Jesus came to earth to bring hope peace, love and joy! Those things do not end when Christmas day was over!

Christmas day is the beginning! The beginning of Jesus life and ministry on earth. A ministry which eventually led Him to the Cross. So too, for us as Christians, Christmas day is not an ending! It’s the start of another wonderful opportunity to share with others the message of the gospel! God loved each of us so much that He was willing to send His one and only Son to earth so that if we believe in Him we can experience everlasting life! (Paraphrase of John 3:16). Now that is something to rejoice about! May we never be among those who say there is nothing to Christmas!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today's Reflection

I've been thinking a lot this Christmas about children who don't have the big fancy toys and gifts that many get on Christmas morning. It saddens me to think that there are children even in this town who woke up Christmas morning with very little. That's why things like the 'Happy Tree' are so important in helping to ensure that each child has at least one gift at Christmas.

We live in a culture where even the children are defined by what they wear and if they have a lap top or an XBOX or a Wii.... But my prayer is that for each child as they grow up that they will all realize the worth and value they have in God's eyes and that He loves each of them the same no matter what clothes they wear or games they own. That's why I love teaching Sunday school because for that hour each week those children are all on level ground - before the cross - and for that hour its about God's love and stories from the bible - the things that have eternal value!

Help us all to see people Lord not based on income or social status but help us see them thru Your eyes so that we can see the needs around us and reach out in Your Name so that others can see the love of God in action.

God bless!!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness

One great way to spread some cheer not only at Christmas but throughout the year is by doing random acts of kindness. We all have busy lives for many its work, family, church activities, etc and in the busyness its easy to loose perspective and forget that there are so many around us who could use a phone call from a friend, a card, an e-mail, a few cookies, a ride to the store, etc.

Today I was treated with a wonderful piece of cheesecake - given to me for my help weeding the books at Memorial Academy. That piece of cheesecake was not only tasty it made my day and helped to motivate me to pass on some kindness to someone else by sharing some homemade cookies.

It doesn't take much to make someone feel loved and appreciated! As we go through this busy Christmas season with the long lineups at the Stores remember to smile at your cashier and be patient! Your patience and understanding will make them feel better and will make the lineup seem less tiresome! After all, the Reason for the Season is Jesus and how better to show a little of His love than by displaying random acts of kindness!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Thoughts & Year Reflections

I feel so extremely blessed this Christmas you don't realize how precious health is until it is taken from you. On Dec 2nd, 2008 I made the courageous decision to leave a job that was tearing apart my mental well being. I had come to a place where I was so mentally exhausted at work and at church that I literally collapsed under it all. Last Christmas is a blur to me. I vaguely remember the tree and wrapping some gifts but thats about it. I was off on stress leave from the Library and so there was no Christmas Story & Craft Time either.

Over the next few months I began a journey with the Lord's guidance that led me on a new path - singing with the Jubilee Singers and teaching Sunday School at Jubilee United.
I am also working on a course online writing children's books, became a sub Student Assistant, and went back to work at the Library in March....
Oh and most recently i broke off a long distance relationship that was not working for me.

I look back over the past year and I am just so thankful to the Lord for His presence in my life. For the days that I didnt have the strength to know what to do or say but I always knew His hand was upon me. In January, I came in contact with a wonderful man of God - Major Lacey - who encouraged me, challenged me, and most of all prayed for me and it was through those numerous emails that I began to see that God had a new plan and purpose for me and thats when I became involved with Jubilee United. I can not express in words the many blessings I have received since being a member of the choir and teaching Sunday School there! Its been simply amazing!

I remember the first sunday nite service that I sang in the choir and when we walked out and I sat on the pew I felt this overwhelming sense of knowing that I was exactly where God wanted and needed me to be. My Grandfather Carter was one of the founding members of that church and now I am carrying on what he began... There are still so many lives that need to be reached for the Kingdom of God! Still so much work to be done!

As I think about the coming busy weeks leading up to Christmas with practices, a special service next Sunday nite, a Sunday School concert on Dec 20th, a Christmas eve service, and thats just the church things! I am so blessed and thankful this Christmas to have the health and strength to be a part of all those things!! To be able to sing and share with adults and children the REAL Meaning of Christmas!! What a privilege! I am thankful tonite to be able to be able to say with assurance in my heart 'Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul!' Easy to have that assurance when life is good but its when you come thru the dark days with the Lord by ur side and you can walk out into the light knowing that it is well with ur soul that is a blessing! Thats faith at work!

Many people use the beginning of the New Year as a reflective time but for me Dec 2 marked an important day that has helped shaped this year in so many ways! I can not imagine what I would have done if I had stayed at that job ! I can't even imagine being at the other church now.... This Dec I have a peace that I did not have last year and for that I give God thanks and praise! I look ahead to the coming Christmas season and New Year with Joy and Excitement because I know that 'greater things are yet to come'! I still have lots of challenges and many tough days but I know who holds the future and I am trusting in His continued guidance and direction each step along the way!

Good nite and God bless and Merry Christmas to you all!!
