Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today's Reflection

I've been thinking a lot this Christmas about children who don't have the big fancy toys and gifts that many get on Christmas morning. It saddens me to think that there are children even in this town who woke up Christmas morning with very little. That's why things like the 'Happy Tree' are so important in helping to ensure that each child has at least one gift at Christmas.

We live in a culture where even the children are defined by what they wear and if they have a lap top or an XBOX or a Wii.... But my prayer is that for each child as they grow up that they will all realize the worth and value they have in God's eyes and that He loves each of them the same no matter what clothes they wear or games they own. That's why I love teaching Sunday school because for that hour each week those children are all on level ground - before the cross - and for that hour its about God's love and stories from the bible - the things that have eternal value!

Help us all to see people Lord not based on income or social status but help us see them thru Your eyes so that we can see the needs around us and reach out in Your Name so that others can see the love of God in action.

God bless!!


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