Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Has Christmas Lost its Meaning?

I am sure you have heard these sayings too or maybe you have even said 1 or more of them yourself: Sure there is nothing to Christmas anymore. Christmas is just for kids. Once Christmas day is over its all over.

Have we forgotten the real meaning of Christmas? The Babe who was born in the Manger did not disappear after Christmas day. In fact, it was just the beginning!! Jesus came to earth to bring hope peace, love and joy! Those things do not end when Christmas day was over!

Christmas day is the beginning! The beginning of Jesus life and ministry on earth. A ministry which eventually led Him to the Cross. So too, for us as Christians, Christmas day is not an ending! It’s the start of another wonderful opportunity to share with others the message of the gospel! God loved each of us so much that He was willing to send His one and only Son to earth so that if we believe in Him we can experience everlasting life! (Paraphrase of John 3:16). Now that is something to rejoice about! May we never be among those who say there is nothing to Christmas!

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