Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cardboard Testimonies

While looking at my Facebook friends profiles today I came across a very interesting link cakked 'Cardboard Testimonies'. I will include the link at the end of the blog so that you can see it as well. Simply put each person on the video on one side of a piece of cardborad had written something about their life 'before becoming a born again Christian' and then on the other side of the cardboard something about their life since becoming a born again Christian... The words on each piece of cardboard were powerful testimonies to the saving and life-changing difference that Jesus has made in each of their lives.

As I looked at each of the cardboard testimonies I couldn't help but think, "What is my cardboard testimony? and What is the cardboard testimony of my family members and friends?" Each of us who are born again believers in Jesus have a 'cardboard testimony'.
As you look at like video think about what your cardboard testimony is and if you want leave a comment on my blog and share your cardboard testimony with me.

Here is the link for the video...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

Today has been refered to many times as an historic day. As a Canadian I sat with my eyes transfixed on the TV screen watching as the first African American - Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America. In his first address to the people as President he spoke much about change and how change can not just come from him and the White House but that change must come from the people of America. I watched as literally millions of people gathered in Washington today and hung on his every word. Watching history unfold before my eyes... Something to be able to tell future generations - I remember where I was on January 20, 2009. Yes today was an historic day. A day of hope, a day of change, a day of excitement.

As we look ahead on this great day to the days, weeks, months and years to come may we each remember the importance of this day... And may God Bless President Barack Obama!

Friday, January 16, 2009


The past few days here in Wesleyville we have been experiencing some very cold temps and high winds. Now some people may think its kinda corny but whenever I am out trying to walk in high winds I can't help but think about the many inward storms I face. I know what its like to be 'tossed about' by this world. I have seen first hand how satan can use Christians to destroy (or at the very least attempt to destroy) other people's faith and their walk with God. I have seen how satan attacks the workplace and uses people there to destroy another's mental well-being. Those are just 2 of many example I could name.

Very few people want to admit or believe that satan is a force in this world. People have become so busy with their lives of hobbies, leisure and work that spiritual matters have taken a 'back seat'.
But whether we choose to believe it or not satan is very much at work in our homes, schools, workplaces and yes, even our churches. Why are so few people attending church? Why are Christians discouraged? Is this not the work of satan himself?

We all face 'storms' in our lives. Everyone of us has problems that we face whether its panic attacks, financial, family, health, school, death of a loved one, and the list goes on... I am learning as I I have been dealing with my own 'storms' over the past few years that the key to staying strong even in the storms is to keep my eyes on Jesus. Yes, just like a windy day blows me about physically, the storms of life have blown me about and continue to blow me about mentally and emotionally. But spiritually no matter the storm, I know that I know the Master of the Wind - Jesus. And I know that no matter the storm no matter how severe it may be He holds my life in His hands.

So as you face the winds of doubt, dispear, loneliness, pain, etc in your life I pray that you too will remember that Jesus is the Master of the Wind. He doesn't always make the storm go away but I know from experience in my own life that He helps and provides the strength to get through the storm.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One of the greatest struggles and challenges I have had to deal with during the last few years has been panic and anxiety attacks. The attacks were originally caused by a traumatic experience in my life which led to PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For any one who has had or experiences panic attacks you know how terrifying they are! You feel like you can't breath, like you are going to pass out, like you are loosing control, your heart races, you fear its a heart attack, your palms get sweaty and no matter what you do for those minutes you can not calm down. All of the breathing techniques and tips and articles that you have read seem meaningless when you are in the midst of an attack. Panic attacks can last from a couple minutes to 30 minutes but the effects of the attack are felt for a long time.

The strange thing about panic attacks and what often makes it hard for people who have never had them to understand is that the attacks seldom happen when you are in the frightening situation. The attacks occur mostly when you are simply walking down the road enjoying a nice sunny day, in a mall or grocery store, at the post office, in the car, sitting at your desk at work, or at home. Basically from what I have read and understanabout attacks and why they happen during 'non-stressful' times is that it is like the brain malfunctions in that it is always on alert and its almost to me like a faulty switch in that it triggers a sense of panic and fear when really there is no fear around you at that time. When you brain begins to function in this way it is a very difficult process to get it to stop. Basically the brain has to be reprogrammed again to not have that heightened sense of fear that triggers the attacks. This is not a simple process and for many people the attacks never completely go away. Its something you learn to control and manage with techniques and tips. But it is a daily battle.

Today as I was reflecting on the past few years and my continuing battle with panic and anxiety attacks I found myself reflecting on the many times when the Lord 'carried' me. I thought of the verse which says 'the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night' - Psalm 121:6. I don't really know why that verse stood out to me today but I know that the Lord used that verse today to remind me that whether I am awake or asleep he is always with me. I was reminded of the many times when I truly felt like I could not possibly make one more step, when the attacks were so bad that I was left in frustration and tears. The Lord was with me. His hand held me fast. In the midst of my pain, my struggles, and my fears He has been there every moment. I can honestly say I do not know how I would have made it through the past years without His continued presence in my life.

I continue to pray for healing that the Lord will heal me of these panic attacks and remove this fear and anxiety from me. But until He heals me I have the assurance of knowing that I am not alone, that He is with me, and that no matter the struggle I face He is right there giving me the strength to get through it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 2009 - A New Year...

Welcome to my first blog entry!

I decided to call this blog "Thoughts and Reflections" as the entries will contain my ramblings, rants and ponderings throughout the coming months.

As I reflect on 2008, my thoughts are clouded with many difficult and trying days. Challenging days at work, panic attacks that worsened with each passing day, and many tough decisions including quitting one of my part-time jobs because of the harsh working conditions I faced. 2008 held many diffcult days... but I thank the Lord that He gave me the strength and courage I needed to get through each one.

As I begin 2009, I am looking ahead to this new year with a sense of hope and anticipation. I believe that God has new and greater things in store for me. Yes, the panic attacks are still there, yes there are MANY challenges that lie ahead but I know that God is Faithful. I know that He is with me and that no matter the struggle I can "Do all things through Christ who strengthens me."