Friday, January 16, 2009


The past few days here in Wesleyville we have been experiencing some very cold temps and high winds. Now some people may think its kinda corny but whenever I am out trying to walk in high winds I can't help but think about the many inward storms I face. I know what its like to be 'tossed about' by this world. I have seen first hand how satan can use Christians to destroy (or at the very least attempt to destroy) other people's faith and their walk with God. I have seen how satan attacks the workplace and uses people there to destroy another's mental well-being. Those are just 2 of many example I could name.

Very few people want to admit or believe that satan is a force in this world. People have become so busy with their lives of hobbies, leisure and work that spiritual matters have taken a 'back seat'.
But whether we choose to believe it or not satan is very much at work in our homes, schools, workplaces and yes, even our churches. Why are so few people attending church? Why are Christians discouraged? Is this not the work of satan himself?

We all face 'storms' in our lives. Everyone of us has problems that we face whether its panic attacks, financial, family, health, school, death of a loved one, and the list goes on... I am learning as I I have been dealing with my own 'storms' over the past few years that the key to staying strong even in the storms is to keep my eyes on Jesus. Yes, just like a windy day blows me about physically, the storms of life have blown me about and continue to blow me about mentally and emotionally. But spiritually no matter the storm, I know that I know the Master of the Wind - Jesus. And I know that no matter the storm no matter how severe it may be He holds my life in His hands.

So as you face the winds of doubt, dispear, loneliness, pain, etc in your life I pray that you too will remember that Jesus is the Master of the Wind. He doesn't always make the storm go away but I know from experience in my own life that He helps and provides the strength to get through the storm.

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